Monday, March 10, 2008

Scarier than Ghosts

The weather turned wet, cold, and windy over G'burg this past weekend, but our brave guides still hit the streets. In the office on Friday night, I was trying to convince people to go out on tour on Saturday rather than Friday because they wouldn't get wet on Saturday night. I don't think that many people took my advice, but if they did they're probably upset with me! Friday was cold and wet, but Saturday night was one of the worst nights for a tour I've seen in quite some time. The winds were howling around 30-40 mph and the temperature could not have reached freezing. I spoke to someone who was on that tour and they said it was "brutal" to have to stand there.

Over 40 people signed up! When I called in the second guide, so we can split the group, he couldn't believe it. Neither could I. One family came in and their daughters were still wearing their soccer uniforms. Shorts and sweatshirts. If those girls don't get pneumonia it will be a miracle. Others were dressed for the weather but honestly I don't think a gore-tex winter suit would have been enough.

The scariest part of that tour was that anyone was willing to take it!

I would also like to thank all the nice folks who joined us on our winter investigations. I enjoyed them and hope everyone else did too!

Is it spring yet?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...wait a minute! You can't be Rick Saunders. I'M Rick Saunders!

actually you are about the 8th or so Rick saunders i've come across. We Rule!